Haley Stanek

hstanek@ashland.edu OR life_in_death@hotmail.com

PERSONAL NOTE: This page is WELL past due to be updated, all the info is old. Don't worry, as soon as my summer class is over, I hope to update it. If you'd like to email me and tell me what you'd like to see on my page (within reason) feel free to do so. I look forward to hearing from you!!! (if you'd like to see what I have in mind for my new page, please scroll down to the bottom of tha page)

You have reached HaleyLand. It's not that bad, I can assure you. Go ahead and look around!
I hope you enjoy your stay!

Would you like to learn about Haley? Click on what you want to know!

This Page is Under Construction... somewhat
My name is Haley Stanek (if you haven't guessed). I am going into my Junior year at Ashland University.
I love E-Mail, so go ahead and E-Mail me!!

Click here to go to the Ashland University Home Page

The Official Ty Beanie Baby Page

What I'd like to include:

+Haley's Vents (this should be fun for me! I hope to let other
people send me their vents as well and post the ones I happen
to agree with, giving whoever sent it to me credit of course)
+New and improved pictures
+My favorite Links

Ok, it's boring stuff, but I still WANT to do it. Like I said before, feel free to send me ideas. By the way, sorry I got lazy and didn't do a bulleted list!