Curry is the Man!!!

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Hey there everybody! I would just like to welcome everybody to my delicious webpage! If you are a first-timer on this page, then you are truly a champion! School is coming to a close. It is gettin a little depressing because I don't really want to leave. Europe is really a wonderful place, and everybody (who does not hate Americans)is very nice. I someday hope to return, it should not be too long. If you want to know what I look like, here is a picture of meclick here to find out. I love email, so please send me some. Otherwise--- I don't know.

Here are some bad ass sites that I think you should all check out:
To see ThorClick Here
Here are some real pictures of myself and my girlfriend: Click here

Remington's Homepage

Make sure to check out the 870 express magnum! My gun, my sweetheart!

The Harley Davidson homepage.

Harley Davidson is such a great company that we study them in Accounting!

Click here to see MY DUKES OF HAZZARD WEB PAGE! (complete with Vance and Coy!)
Check out my hunting page! It is new, so lay off the insults until I am done.BANG!

Click on the Picture!

This page is dedicated to my all-time personal hero, Bernie Kosar-Bernie's Page


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This is what I jumped out of. 580 feet.