Union Station
The city once decided to torn down this useless building and replace with a parking ramp. Before the deconstruction day, an out-state architect/businessman saw this building as a treasure and later he and his friends purchased this old building and restored its golry and trnasformed this station to the landmark of St. Louis City.
From the inside, you can really understand why this building is no way can be replaced with anything. The architect, who built this station, believed there is the great power superior than human being and this thought also effected him to design this grant hall. The are 7 arches, 7 windows at each side, and 7 Goddesses which will protect the building and whatever inside the building. Well, those goddesses did save the building and forgive the politicians short sight.
Main Entry
In stead of walking from the main entry, people often come here by car or light tram which arrive at the backside of station.
Gateway Arch
,also called
"Silver ribbon"
The park surrounding the arch also houses the Jefferson National Expansion
Memorial Museum under the ground. Behind the arch, the white building is the
current city hall.
Basically, those high-rise buildings showing in this photo includes 70% tall
buildings in Saint Louis City. So you can get the idea that St Louis is not
so crowded compared to any majoy city along the east coast.
Bi-State Metro Link
We are now in Illinion State! acturally, there is not many things to see across the river. Several casinos sit along on the both sides of Mississippi River. Without any expectation, the security guy asked our ids before we get into the casino. Do we still look like teenagers?