Hi, I'm Steve Harper. My resume is right below to this cover letter. I'm a dependable, loyal and hard worker. I'll be committed to the success of your company.
I'm looking forward to meet you and discuss the ways that I can help your company needs. I just want to thank you for taking time to read my cover letter and my resume.
Steve Harper
Steve Harper
My E-mail: Steve.Harper@verizon.net or Stevamundo@hotmail.com
My main Web Page: /CollegePark/Hall/1697/Index.html
To gain a position that will utilize my skills in Web design and Web construction.
Associates of Arts, Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, WA. 1997
Skills and Qualifications
Computer Skills
- Maintaining and fixing computers
- Macintosh
- Adobe Pagemill
- MS Word
- Assistive Technology
- Text-Editor Plus
- Internet/E-mail
- Virtual PC: Microsoft Windows
- America On-line
- Adobe PhotoDeluxe
- Netscape/Explorer
- HyperCard
- GraphicConverter
- Fetch
- Timbuktu
- DreamWeaver 4.0
General Skills
- Good problem solver
- Work well with people
- Highly motivated
- Organized
- Flexible
Employment Experience
Webmaster, 2008-present Duties includes: update the websites, make new pages for the websites when necessary. http://madentec.com/intro/ and http://www.acts-at.com/ .
Seahawks article writer for the Seattle Seahawks, 2007-present Write for the Seattle Seahawks in their GameDay magazine during football season.
Intranet developer, Edmonds Community College, Edmonds, WA. 2000-2003 Duties include: develop and maintain up to date documents on Edmonds Community Colleges Intranet site with personal college information for their employees. Also make sure that Edmonds' intranet is A.D.A Americans with Disabilities Act compliant.
Web Designer, Shoreline Community Integration Program, Shoreline C.C., Shoreline, WA. 1998 Duties include: Using HTML to update Web site, assisting with graphic design of Web page. http://www.ctc.edu/~jelmer/ "not on-line yet"
Web Designer, Adolescent Health Transition Project, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 1997 Assisted with the design of a Web site about children with disabilities transitioning from children's health care systems to adult health care systems, made sure all of the hyperlinks worked, helped design content.
Web Designer, Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA. 1996 Converted raw text into HTML form for use on the Web. Helped design Web page.
Guest Speaker, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 1995-to present Participated in University of Washington classes about augmentative communication systems, answered students' questions about my experience with augmentative communication devices, gave advice to students through the use of electronic mail.
Web Consultant, Washington Assistive Technology Alliance, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 1995-1996 Created Web pages for newsletters, made sure all hyperlinks worked. http://wata.org/pubs/bulletins/index.htm, "I created the newsletters only."
Student Worker, Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, WA. 1994-1995 Maintained main office database, and bookstore database.