I'm going to tell you first something about the Dinosaurs first, then I'm going to discuss my main subject the Carnosaurs.
Dinosaurs were a group of mammoth creatures that roamed the face of the Earth for nearly 160 million years, until they went extinct about 65 million years ago. They lived in the Triassic period, to the end of the Mesozoic era. However, different dinosaurs lived in different eras. Some died out sooner, and some came into exsitance later. There are many theories of why the dinosaurs went completly extinct, such as a sudden cold spell on the Earth, or a meteor hitting the Earth, that abolished the dinosaurs.
There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some that you may know are the Tyranasaurus Rex, the Stegasaurus, and the Triceratops. There weredinosaursthat ate meat, some that ate plants, some that flew, and some that lived inthe sea. Some were big, some small, some slow, some fast. There are so many kinds of theses fasanating creatures.
The Dinosaria Cladograms
Cladodgams are basically the family "branched" trees of something. Here I have two Cladograms of the Dinosaur's family tree.
This one is less detiled then my second one.
Now, here's what I call a VERY DETAILED Cladogram.
The Carnosaurs
Tremble Before the Carnosauria! Big Mean Meat-Eating Machines!
Carnosaurs. The very name evokes danger -- Greek for "meat-eating lizards".These theropod dinosaurs must have terrorized their dinosaurian prey duringtheir peak in the Jurassic period. Carnosaurs are characterized by severalfeatures, mostly modifications of the pelvis and hind legs (possibly adaptations evolved along with their increased size). For example, thecarnosaurian femur ("thigh bone") is usually larger than the tibia ("shin bone"). Also characteristic of the Carnosauria are large orbits (eye openings in the skull) and a generally long, narrow skull. Many carnosaurs have fairly good-sized forelimbs, unlike the Tyrannosauridae . The tyrannosaurs were until just recently classified within the Carnosauria, but cladistic analyses have shown that the traditional grouping of all of thelarge dinosaurs together in the Carnosauria is probably artificial, and the tyrannosaur lineage actually is a member of the clade Coelurosauria. It seems now that large body size evolved several times throughout the history of the Theropoda. The Carnosaur is probably the second most fashionable theropod dinosaur next to T. rex.
Advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of being a Carnivore.
Advantage of being a carnivore:
1. Flesh has a high energy per unit volume.
2. Easily digested.
3. Don't have to eat as much.
4. Don't have spend a great deal of time acquiring or either eating food.
Disadvantage of being a carnivore:
1. Dependent on finding and catching prey.
2. Each meal has the potential of resulting in bodily harm which could lead to death.
3. Carnivore destiny tied to its prey.
Characteristics important to a carnivore:
1. Strength.
2. Equipment to catch and dispatch prey.
3. Speed and agility.
4. Improved senses (such as stereoscopic vision, smell, and hearing).
5. Some predators may have relied on some degree of social organization.
6. Greater intelligence.
In essence, carnivores must possess the ability to stalk, chase, and
The characteristics and behavior of Carnosaurs.
Characteristics of carnosaurs:
1. All larger than 5 m in length.
2. Large head.
3. Short powerful necks.
4. Very short fore limbs and massive hind limbs
5. Long tails.
6. Large opening in the lachyrymal bone.
7. Low spines on vertebrae in shoulder region
8. Prong chevrons.
Carnosaur behavior
1. Obligate bipedal.
2. In motion back was probably nearly horizontal with ground.
3. Large tail acted as counterbalance of head and neck region.
4. Probably relatively agile and fast, but not as fast as some have suggested.
5. Numerous sharp teeth indicate it was a flesh eater, but What kind?
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