Reunion Committee Information
Your reunion committee is made up of the following individuals:
Mike Andrion (Andrion) Cheri Galt (Keeney)
Kim Jew (Miyataki) Karen Kapolnek (Rossini)
Sheri Meyers (Bettancourt) Siri Nelson (Hughes)
Jeff Ott (Ott) Russ Parsley (Parsley)
Meetings held to date:
9/25/99: Got reacquainted after 8 years. Talked about what we wanted to do.  Discussed possible joint reunion with the class of 1980.

AUG 2000: Reunion Committee met to begin plans for 20th.  Assigned areas of responsibility and no later than dates.

NOV 2000: Reunion Committee met to share all information gathered by all members.  Specific details needed for location,
Date, Time and Cost.

JAN 2001: Reunion Committee met to lock in Date, Time, Place & Cost.  Need to develop announcement and build up Class Graduate Address List.

FEB 2001: Reunion Committee met to show Announcement created and to coordinate Envelope Stuffing.

Whoops...missed logging a few...sorry Gang !!!

JULY 2001:  Reunion Committee met (Well, ok, only the ladies showed up for this one! Hey, they were talkin' about what we should wear...who knew?) to assign tasks and double check on various subjects.  So far, nearly 50% of the class is paid and scheduled to show for the reunion.  If you're not sure to get your monies in ASAP...the next rate hike is AUG 31, 2001 ($100 per person).  We are now at $80/per person.  Late comers will be allowed entry but for a fee of $50.00. (After 10PM) Late Comers Rate/Time subject to change. 

Next Scheduled Meetings:  TUE, AUG 7, 2001 @ 6PM
                                                  SAT. AUG 25, 2001 @ 11AM
                                                  TUE. SEP 18, 2001 @ 6PM

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