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Fast Facts:

: Don (Dong-soo is my given Korean name) Shin
: 27
: Korean
: Marin County, CA
: you don't wanna know
snoopy loves history!
the official website of yours truly (click for pictures, including images from London and Paris 2002!)
I guess this site has evolved into focusing primarily on two of my biggest passions (outside of reading/writing) - East Asian/Asian American issues/history and golf (though the latter passion has recently deteriorated somewhat due to a lack of money/time).  There's some other things of interest here as well.  I hope you find it helpful and/or entertaining.
hobbies: WRITING, cultural events, working out at the gym, some tennis, golf, self-pitying, bad jokes
favorite sports franchise
"follow me!"

I graduated with a BA in History from the institution on the far left, and apparently my work there was enough to merit further graduate study at  USC.  My memories of studying history are both stimulating and disheartening.
Interested in applying to an East Asian history graduate program?  Allow me to share my application experiences with you.  Click here for a list of renown institutions and their links.
the San Francisco Giants
favorite musical performers: Radiohead, Morrissey, Bjork, Pet Shop Boys, Moby, Stan Getz
favorite authors:
Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Abe Kobo, Murakami Haruki, Vladimir Nabokov
favorite beverage
: vodka tonic
Getting married?  Live in Provo, UT?  Then you must know my dear friend Colin Jensen.  Click on the name to be transported to his website, where you will find, among other things, his wedding invitation service.
Poetry has been an ongoing habit of mine (for better and for worse).  Click here for some samples.

There is some really funny and really bizarre things one can find on our world wide web community. 
Click here for some examples I've come across.
Living in LA has contributed greatly to my growing appreciation of East Asian/Asian American culture.  The following are some links that might be of some interest:

EastWest Players homepage news & notes of a mainly Asian-themed performing arts theater in Los Angeles.
LA County Museum of Art (LACMA) homepage some great exhibits from around the globe.
USC's Asian Pacific American Student Services homepage news, community events. I'm still not sure what this site means to me, but it obviously pertains to (East) Asia.
Korea Foundation homepage programs, funding for study pertaining to Korea.
The Asia Times Online a great news site for happenings throughout Asia.
Far East Economic Review another good news source.

Questions? Comments?  Fire away here
[golf]   [schools]   [poetry]   [funnies]   [pictures] last updated on 10/14/02