Jason Dawson's Hompage

Welcome to my space on the web. You will find a bunch of links, couple of pics near the bottom, nothing fancy. If you don't like it, click on the 'back' button on your browser or here. Be kind and sign the guestbook while you are here. Enjoy.

News of the Moment!!!
The DrudgeReport

Google News

Reuters News

CNN News

ESPN Sports

Odd News

New York Stock Exchange







Word of the Moment

Pronunciation: 'kä-l&-kwE

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin colloquium, from colloqui to converse, from com- + loqui to speak


2 : a high-level serious discussion : CONFERENCE

(Click here to see the previous Words of the Moment)

Cartoon of the Moment

See more TRUE cartoons by Daryl Cagle

Internet Links
In the gutter diggin up celebrity dirt that we want to hear.

The Sneeze blog

"Here is the city" News

"Going into Wall Street" by John Train

Yardeni's Economic tools

Authentic History Center

Surfing the internet in secret

Flat Rock: A ton of random information

PBCo. Appraiser

Who is Damian Loeb?

Free Excel Spreadsheets

Free Conan O' Brien clips

My local newspaper.

The writings of Nathan Wilson

Different city-top 100's.

The evil of Wal-Mart.

How do you feel today?

The Seinfeld episode list.

Do you know the law?

Looking for a good quote?

Start listening to some real music.

You can hike in Florida..

Talk about Martial Arts

Want to see where famous dead people are buried?

no place in the world.

The most comfortable shoes you can buy.

The most comfortable sandals you can buy.

Want to rent an island?

All your language translation needs.

Some off-the-beaten-path comics: Tom the Dancing Bug /// This Modern World /// Red Meat /// Derf City

Another great comic: Mallard Fillmore

The comics of Andy Singer

Childrens Books that for some reason never made it to print.

Ladies, where do you stand in my personal "who loves me" pie chart?

The wealth of Bill Gates.

The FBI's 10 Most Wanted List.

Find anyone's Drivers License picture.

Check out Investopedia to learn how to invest.

Witness what is, the Bible in pig latin.

The online Dictionary and Bible.

See if I have anything to sell on Ebay

A couple of pretty girls, for the guys.

A friendly article on George W Bush.

Check out some classic cartoons.

Conspiracy theory fun!

I don't even know what this place is.

Columnist Dave Berry tearing it up.

A photographic guide to Barcelona, Spain. Lots of neat pictures.

Just to give you a heads up, I can see your hard drive. Click here, I'll Prove it. I can also see your Desktop. Get some security or something, would you?

Religious Links
Check out this website, to search for any word or subject in the Bible.

Worried your church is mis-using your tithe?These people use it right.

This site points out many supposed contradictions in the Bible.

Check out the Reality Expander. Just don't let it carry you away.

The man who walked around the world

Gospel Tract.

A fundamental Baptist website.

If I was a KJV only-ist, I would recommend this site

A commentary on the whole Bible.

Are you a five-point calvinist?

Another Baptist website.

Here are two links to Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha writings. First One---Second One

Tons of information on basic Biblical doctine.

David Heseen.

Martin Luther

John Piper

Catholicism. Pro Catholic /// Not Catholic...more to come.

Click for West Palm Beach, Florida Forecast

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