Here you will find all of the Canterbury Tales in both Middle English and Modern English. Any prologues, epilogues, etc. are included with the tale. Top link for Middle English, bottom link for Modern English. Please see my caveat on translations.
Some beautiful April morning, you take a stroll and continue the pilgrimage of life.... | Middle English Modern English |
Swooning men, beautiful fair maiden. Contemporary romance has nothing on what these guys will do to win the girl. | Middle English Modern English |
Bawdy fun tale that is an example of the Fabliau literary form. And you thought those medieval people were prudes. | Middle English Modern English |
Let's all play musical beds! This ex-carpenter tells an unflattering tale about a certain miller. | Middle English Modern English |
Complete or not? Plus check out what a marmal is in the General Prologue. | Middle English Modern English |
Shakespeare said "Let's kill all the lawyers first". He had this guy in mind. How much can poor Constance bear? Apparently a lot. | Middle English Modern English |
This tale calls for the Seinfeldian "Yada, yada, yada". Liberated woman? And what do women really want? Hint: starts with a "S". | Middle English Modern English |
Mano e Mano with the summoner. Don't walk with the devil or your sure to wind up in hell. | Middle English Modern English |
Not to be outdone, this tale has a friar, greedily trying to divide his "take" of nothing but air. | Middle English Modern English |
You've come a long way baby. Exploitive tale on humiliation, pain and how not to treat a woman. | Middle English Modern English |
January-May "romance". Watch those pear trees they might sting. When sight is restored he gets what he deserves. | Middle English Modern English |
Do not be fooled by the short prologue. This squire is in need of a few story-telling lessons. | Middle English Modern English |
Who's making the real sacrifice? Can you believe she fell for the ol' "make the rocks disappear" trick? | Middle English Modern English |
Physician: Heal thyself! Don't act too rashly or you're sure to lose your head. | Middle English Modern English |
Picture Michael Douglas doing his 1980's "Greed is Good" bit. The Pardoner would fit right in. | Middle English Modern English |
Who's fooling who? Never lend money to a friend. | Middle English Modern English |
What kind of a nun is this? If she says "little" one more time... | Middle English Modern English |
Fairies and an Oliphant. The interruption of pilgrim Chaucer leads us to the "small" prose tale of Melibee. | Middle English Modern English |
There is a reason she's called Prudence. Patience and forgiveness. | Middle English Modern English |
The monk has got a list and it is a big one. On it are great people who have learned their lesson the hard way. Reader agrees with knight: namoore of this! | Middle English Modern English |
Is it possible to be utterly charmed by a rooster? Read this tale and see if you don't agree. Example of a Beast Fable. | Middle English Modern English |
In a mood for conversion? There's something about Cecilia. | Middle English Modern English |
Alchemy and chemical hocus-pocus. A lesson on how NOT to turn metal into gold. | Middle English Modern English |
How the crow got black feathers and why it's a good idea to keep your mouth shut (especially in matters of the heart). | Middle English Modern English |
Remember the movie Se7en? This was the tale they talked about. The seven deadly sins. Only a repentant man shall pass. | Middle English Modern English |
Chaucer changes his mind on a few things he wrote? You decide. | Middle English Modern English |
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