October, 1999
Susanna Lienhard
Current email address:  sahscl@aol.com  (home) 
susanna.lienhard@state.co.us (work) 

I'm a financial specialist in Denver who provides technical assistance to local governments, primarily small towns, rural counties and special districts, in the areas of budgeting and financial management. 

I am in a life-long relationship with a woman whom I have lived with since 1990.  Her name is Sarah and, among other things, she is an attorney (it's a credential -- she hates to practice because of the lack of ethics and inhuman stress), a real estate broker, property manager and property renovator.  A woman I lived with in the seventies and I have a son who is now 23.  He is living in NYC pursuing a music (electronic) career.  He finished high school early; finished college early (he had a contract with us that he would finish college -- he really didn't want to take the time) and fled to the big city as fast as he could.  He's a  wonderful person, kind, generous, bighearted, funny and bright.  He's in a happy relationship with a wnderful young woman (actress, kind, talented).  So that's great. 

I still love sports, especially skiing and hiking (I don't do the mountain bike thing).  Reading and movies and gardening and cooking (I bake an impressive plum pie or "Zwaetschgekueche" (SwissGerman) but it's not quite Martha Stewart!).  I don't write poetry as much as I think I want to (ok, there's fear and excessive judgement). 

 My mother is in an assisted living facility five minutes from here.  She had a stroke 2.5 years ago and it affected her right side and her speech as well as her memory. 

Take good care... 

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