October, 1999 |
[and the last 30+ years] by Marcia Edison When we had the CHS Class of 1967 20th reunion, Harry said to me:
Yes, it has been a wild ride, culminating in 1997 with four months of glorious unemployment [which I chose to call "retirement"] that got boring once the baseball season ended and when I ran out of money. I accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in Medical Education, which was not my field. But I digress. There are a few intervening years. To summarize: After college [University of Chicago] I went to graduate school in education, taught high school Social Studies, then returned to U of C to get my MBA. While there, I distinguished myself less for my scholarly endeavors than for my extracurricular activities--I created a tradition called the "GSB Follies," an original student [and now faculty] musical comedy show. When we did it in the 70's, it was a bunch of us using cardboard boxes for sets and one piano player performing in a lounge. ["Hey, boys and girls, let's put on a show!!!] In subsequent years, the business students have moved the show to a theater and sell shares in the production. After a fling with hospital administration, I entered the world of
In 1991 I attended a meeting of the American Association of Collegiate
It was great. No new clothes, no money, work-work-work.
I started
Of course, this isn't really the end of the story. Being in the right place at the right time has made it possible for me to turn my post-doc into a permanent position as a curriculum specialist here at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. I am currently working with our general surgery residents, and with a virtual reality system for teaching anatomy. The "student loans"[actually, a home equity loan] are finally beginning to disappear. Hurrah!!! At this point, no pictures. [Perhaps soon--watch this space as they say.] I'll tell my favorite story about this, although you may have heard it. It was late in our senior year, and Gary Miller had come to my house
for dinner. I can't remember if this was the occasion when my father
thought it was appropriate to mention that Gary seemed to be bleaching
his hair. But I digress. Anyway, Daddy pointed to my senior
picture [pearls and all] that sat on the mantle over our fireplace and
said to Gary: "Have you seen Marcia's picture?"
Stay in touch, everyone. I'll supply more stuff later.
Marcia Edison
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