April, 1999
dotti cichon
  You might find it amusing to check out my web page for my Bed & Breakfast and Vacation Rentals at:   http://www.poipu.net 

It's a long story, but, I was devastated by Hurricane Iniki in 1992 and have not yet recovered from it. 

I've kept up my art, particularly my photography, and just returned from a month in Europe photographing Carnival in Venice and Basel.  It was wonderful!  I take lots of photos, but avoid being at the other end of the camera.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1054, Mountain View, CA 94042-1054
Fax: 650-967-4014

Note: Some of dotti's photography can be seen on her web-site at: www.dot@dotsgallery.com

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