Trying to sum up even a few years is a difficult
assignment. Here are the most significant details:
I've been working at the school which my children attend (Eric graduated
and now is a freshman @Vassar -- like mother, like son). I co-manage
the school store and assist in the library.
Mark is moving out of private law practice and has taken a job as
counsel to a bank. We moved last spring from Plainfield to Warren
to situate ourselves in a one-level house because Mark has been diagnosed
with M.S. He has his mobility now, but the future is a bit uncertain.
We love our new house, though.
Sara is a junior and will start the college search this year. She's
a solid student, an accomplished swimmer and a good person.
Jane is in 8th grade, starting to get more serious about her studies
and is very outgoing with many friend of all ages.
Eric chose Vassar because it has a major in film. He plans
to become a famous filmmaker --so watch for the name come Oscar time 10
years or so from now!
My father died about six years ago. My mother lives in an extended
care facility in Denville and is not faring too well at the moment.
To end on a more upbeat note, our lives have been and are full of
many wonderful relationships, not least of which are the many enduring
friendships from CHS days. In the words of the Beatles: "All
we need is Love" and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to send some
your way.
Cathy Burke Lybeck
2 Woods Rd.
Warren, NJ 07059