Feb., 2000
Bonnie Schildkret Shanis
I loved seeing all of my high school buddies who were at the reunion.  I'll assume that they can't remember all the particulars about everyone(and those who missed it don't know), so I'll start with college.  I married Don Shanis my senior year of Cornell.  We moved to the  Phila. area for me to go to medical school. At the end of my endocrine fellowship we had our first daughter, Jenna.  I worked part time for  two different groups for a while and  had a second daughter, Dana.  When both the girls were in school, I agreed to join a large group of internationally known reproductive endocrinologists.  I  did some clinical research in addition to my patient care and traveled all over the world presenting my findings. After 10 years of that, I needed a change and I started my own private practice of endocrinology.  I started with an office attached to our home, amazingly convenient with kids around.  As my practice grew, I added offices in Doylestown and Lansdale (northwestern suburbs of Phila).  I love my arrangement; I have so much flexibility in schedule.  I have lots of time to play tennis and do whatever I want.

Don is a transportation planner for the regional planning commission 
headquartered in Phila.  This year Dana joined  Jenna at Cornell  and Don and I are having a great time with our empty nest.

It's great to find out about everyone.  Is there any chance of another reunion?  I'd love to see everyone.

                                      With love for all my old friends,

Update: August, 2000
Don and I had a great summer with our younger daughter at home.  She  completed her first year at Cornell.  She is doing research in pediatric  endocrinology at Phila. Children's Hospital for the summer.  Our older  daughter worked in New York City for a product design company.  She loved working there and living in the big city.  Soon we will be taking them both back to Cornell again. 

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