Who We Are Org. Individual History Our Events Golf Luncheon T-Bird Our Support Who we support Who Support Us Thanks Information calendar Newsletter home Our 19th Annual Gourmet Luncheon will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange County on Thursday, April 29th,1999. (click here for map) The four time NFL coach of the year, Chuck Knox, will be this luncheon's key-note speaker. This gourmet luncheon will start at 12:00 pm. A no-host-cocktail bar will begin a half an hour prior to the event. There is a requested donation of $125 (includes validated parking). For more information, please call (562)691-9200 or fax (562)694-0224.

Amigos de los Niņos is an all-volunteer non-profit fundraising organization dedicated to improving the lives of challenged children in Southern California. We gladly provide our support to groups of all sizes, but our primary focus is on local organizations whose resources are limited yet causes are great. Some of the groups that have benefited from Amigos include: the Blind Children's Learning Center, Oralingua School for the Hearing Impaired, Canyon Acres Children's Services, Challenger Little League, Open Airways, P.A.D.R.E. Foundation and Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation to name a few. We sincerely appreciate your interest.