Teaching Materials and Resources

Course Descriptions, Syllabi and Classroom Techniques

By Despina Kakoudaki

This page contains Sample Course Descriptions and Syllabi created by Despina Kakoudaki, who is currently completing her Ph.D. at the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of California at Berkeley.

The material included here is the result of six years of teaching experience at U. C. Berkeley, in the Departments of Comparative Literature, American Cultures, Women's Studies and Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies. I have also worked as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, trained and supervised Teaching Assistants, and presented a number of papers in Teaching Methodology.

This page is designed to help you imagine your own courses, in literature, visual culture and film for High School and College students. By looking at how I organized this material, and what combinations are possible in interdisciplinary classes, you can form your own course descriptions in relation to your students and their reading level. Feel free to print out the Course Descriptions and Syllabi, Handouts, and Study Aids I used as a guideline, but remember that the classes included here were sometimes intensive seminars, and as a result have accelarated reading schedules.

You can find sample book lists, semester schedules, syllabi, and study aids for courses in:    

Reading and Composition  

Science Fiction

American Cultures  


Visual Culture


You can also find helpful suggestions and handouts on:

Study Questions

Teacher Training: Practical Strategies

This is a work in progress. As more materials become available from my Teaching Files, I will expand this site. Please send comments or questions about my courses, syllabus design, or this website to:

Despina Kakoudaki (despina@uclink4.berkeley.edu).