H O M E |
An introduction and welcome message of this website.
- Home: The home page (first page) of this website.
C L A S S |
General information about our class.
- Class index: First page of the class section.
- Excerptz: Good articles and references picked by our teachers and/or classmates.
- Sitting Plan: The sitting plan of our class.
- Teachers: More information about who our teachers are.
- Time table: Time table for our lessons.
- Research: Interesting little research data on our fellow classmates. About anything!
S T U D E N T S |
More get-into of fellow 6A classmates.
- Students index: First page of the students section.
- Name list: Full list of 6A classmates including names(Chinese and English), E-mail and ICQ (if applicable).
- Nick name: Why, it's just look up someone's nick here!
- Locker: A place in which classmates have put something of their own in.
- Pick-a-guy: ...doesn't mean a matching; find out what position we are(were) holding!
R E M I N D E R |
Monthly schedule with necessary information you gotta know. JavaScript is a must to read this section.
C A M P U S L I F E |
Photographs & Memories... with articles, illustrating the best days we had. Also with lastest activities and news inside the class.
- Campus Life index: First page of Campus Life section.
- Interclass Athletic Meetings 98
- Intraclass Basketball Competition
- Excursion Day 98
- When we're together
L I N K S |
Linkages to other relevant pages as well as useful pages.