uess what? You've reached the homepage of form 6A (1998-2000). This is a two-year science matriculate class in Chan Sui Ki College, focusing on Pure Mathematics (AL). Besides, we've Chinese Language and Culture (ASL), Use of English (ASL), Physics (AL) and Chemistry (AL).
We hope you'll find information you want in this homepage about our interesting lives in CSK!
Final exam Countdown |
Site map
To contact us, send us an e-mail cskf6a@yahoo.com.
Chief editor: Jerry Hui
Info: Eugene Chan, Henry Wong, Jerry Hui, Jeffrey Ho
Design: Jerry Hui
- Some serious information mistakes have been rectified. Thanks Orion for proof-reading!
- Today's examination prosponed due to typhoon. For more, go to REMINDER page.
- This draft page is created.
- 6A's inTRAclass Basketball Competition is approaching to its final.
- This beta page is being updated with more and more features... Please be patient while we're processing the remaining contents. (Full page is to be ready after 06/17/1999)