"To be of service", not only does this improve the world around you, but it brings personal satisfaction as well. As a Delta Zeta member we devote time and effort to helping where there is a need by selecting and carrying out our own philanthropy. Our service is part of a long and proud history of Delta Zeta service to others. In 1954, Delta Zeta adopted Gallaudet College, now a university, in Washington, D.C. as our national philanthropy benefactor. This is the only university in the world devoted exclusively to the deaf and has a primary school, a secondary school, and an institution of higher learning. Originally, Delta Zeta's project was to furnish the library; this was accomplished by 1960. As the cost of Gallaudet increase, so did the need for assistance in other fields. Delta Zeta continued and will continue to assist Gallaudet as long as there is a need. The first women to earn her degree from Gallaudet was the class valedictorian of the 1893 graduating class, Agatha Plegal. And her daughter grew up to be a Delta Zeta Women of the Year. Over the years, Detla Zeta has supported many worthy organizations. It is through our philanthropy projects, that we attempt not only to service our chapters and Delta Zeta but to widen our friendships, enrich our personalities, and expand our interests.

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Last updated 8/24/98

Updated by Selena DiMino-