Hi! This is Angela, welcome to my web site.
This is a web page for people (like you) who have nothing better to do with your time. Don't worry I'm only kidding with you!!
Well, what can I say about myself? I am a 20 year old capricorn, currently living in Rockville, MD. I used to live in Rocky Mount, NC. Right now I go to MC (Montgomery College Ya'll) but I will soon be going to the Univeristy of Maryland and continue my e-d-u-k-a-s-h-u-n! I am majoring in psychology (so I can play with your...AHEM!... mind) and minoring in Criminal Justice (so watch out ya'll!!!! Hehe...haha). I like alot of things but most of all my biggest love Mickey Mouse...come on sing with me "M-I-C-K-E-Y---M-O-U-S-E"...haha wasn't that fun?? Anyway, MM rocks! He is the bomb!

Since you're in the 'hood you should visit some of my favorite sites:

While you're at it, check out some of my first love:  Mickey Mouse sites that I have here:

Here's some of my favorite places to shop:

These are some sites of my second love:  PSYCHOLOGY!!!!: