Professor Blacklist
compiled by
Update (11/23/98)
I added a link for all you San Francisco students.
Special thanks to the webmaster of that site for e-mailing me.
General Info
This page is a comprehensive list of bad teachers
in colleges and universities all over the country. Hopefully, you
will find this information useful improving your academic standing.
The information provided here hopefully will wake up professors in the
college community. Since I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I
am limited to this region. However, the world wide web is my playground
so if you stumble upon this page, please help me and other students.
This will only work with your cooperation so please sign the guestbook
which is really the blacklist or e-mail me with all your stories.
I graduated high school in 1993 and should have graduated last spring,
but I had major setbacks because of a few teachers who were either unfair
or couldn't teach period. I'm behind in school, but you don't have
to be. Check out this list. If we get enough entries, I'll
separate it by state and school. This doesn't have to be a list of
only bad teachers. You can also list teachers who were great.
The basic format is:
Name of College: Exact name of college
City / State: The city and state where
the college is.
Class taken: Name of class and/or course
abbreviation and number (ie MGMT 407)
Teacher's Name: Last Name, First Name
(Last name of course more important)
Teacher's Grade: Give a letter grade you
would give to this teacher.
Comments: Say anything you want about
this teacher.
San Francisco, CA
Name of College: San Francisco State University
City / State: San Francisco, CA
Class taken: MGMT 407
Teacher's Name: Dopp, ?.
Teacher's Grade: F
Comments: What's wrong with this picture?
His nickname is Dr. Drop. What do you think?
San Mateo, CA
Name of College: College of San Mateo
City / State: San Mateo, CA
Class taken: Precalculus
Teachers Name: Rundberg, ?
Teacher's Grade: D-
Comments: This guy knows his stuff.
He just has no friggin' idea how to teach it to anybody. No mercy.
No points for perfect attendance.
Review For CCSF
Review For SFSU
to Blacklist
Last modified Monday, November 23, 1998