Research: Using Folktales in Multi-Cultural & Cross-Curricular Education in Primary Schools.
My research starts from the viewpoint that the strategy of using folktales in primary education i not only effective in teaching affective and spiritual aims involved in multicultural, social and moral education but also very valuable in promoting the learning objectives of such key cross-curricular areas as Design and Technology, Art, Language skills, Music, Science, History and Geography.
The current focus of my work is a project aimed at promoting awareness of
Celtic and Japanese cultures through folktales.The project models the Japanese
kami-shibai method of story telling. This involves presenting stories written
in dialogue form with illustrated pictures aimed at facilitating and promoting
childrenšs involvement in the story. The work will:
The work will involve the development of teaching materials to support a number of stories selected with the help of contacts in Ireland, Japan and England. They include:
Click on one of the stories for more details.