Walt Disney World College Program: Summer 1998

The excitement began right when I received a large packet from the Walt Disney World Co. in my mailbox and I held my breath as I opened it. It was my acceptance to the Walt Disney World College Program. I just waited as my roommate opened the packet for me and shouted " you have been accepted", that was the best thing that could happen to me. It was a life-long dream come true.

With the realization of the fact that I was not going to be home for the summer I started planning for my summer at the happiest place on earth Walt Disney World. As I reached Orlando, and drove up to the Vistaway complex, I had all the fears in my mind about the place , the tourists, the weather, the work place and many more. These fears kind of settled down as I entered my apartment and my roommates started to arrive. The Vistaway orientation brought a lot of comfort as they drove away all the concerns regarding housing and transportation. Besides the initial orientation gave me an opportunity to meet new people and make some friends.

Then came the traditions and the day when I got to know the inside of this beautiful company called Walt Disney World . This got me in a better position to understand the company and make me more open to the new environment.

Over the whole program with its living learning an working experience provided me a deep insight into the Disney culture and let me experience knew ideas and adventures. This Web Page provides a look at some of my experience during my summer with Disney, which probably is the best summer of my life.

The Working Experience

The Living Experience

The Learning Experience

Friends and Fun


The Link Experience

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