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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley
Home Page of... ndmv.org
Serving University of Notre Dame alumni and friends in Upstate New York's Mohawk Valley and surrounding communities
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- Welcome to the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley's Website: ndmv.org. Please bookmark this location now!
- Notice the menu items across the top and bottom of each page on this website-- by selecting one of these (or from the menu below) you can go to any page in this site.
- If you have any suggestions to improve this website please email the NDMV Webmaster.
- If you want to communicate with the club, please e-mail the NDMV Chief Leprechaun.
- If you are a member of this club, consider submitting your email address or other personal information on our Membership page.
[What's New]
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[Other Stuff]
- What's New in the ND Club of Mohawk Valley?
- Athletics and ND's Fighting Irish, football schedule, etc.
- Communication: club numbers and addresses; and as permitted, member's names, addresses, phone numbers, and/or email
- Events and activities of the ND Club of Mohawk Valley
- Guestbook: Read the Guestbook, send a message to the club, or leave a message that other visitors to this site can read
- Links on the web to Notre Dame and related sites
- Membership information about joining this club or submitting your own information to the Club
- Mission Statement of the ND Club of the Mohawk Valley
- Newsletters and Announcements of this Club
- Officers of the ND Club of Mohawk Valley
- Photographs of Notre Dame and club activities
- Send this page to another Irish fan!
- Service projects and activities of the Club
- Spirit and lyrics to ND songs, etc.
- Students at the University of Notre Dame du Lac
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