I have dedicated this site to the geographic study of the Temples of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Here is a view of the Temples of the world,
134 and counting.
Including the Kirtland Ohio Temple (not operating)

Red represents temples currently being constructed, or finished construction and awaiting dedication.
Green represents temples announced, still in planning, or planned and awaiting ground breaking.
Click on the map or select from the following regions:
Here is a list of the temples in alphabetical order.
And another listed in chronological order.
Click here for some statistical information.
Included in the Alphabetical list are Temple Codes for genealogical purposes,
and Links to Temple Websites maintained by local members.
I have completed the individual temple pages for all the operating temples.
Individual Temple Pages. 
If there is any information I don't have that you may know, please email me with it.
My goal is to make these pages as informative and correct as possible.
"Why These Temples?" by Gordon B. Hinckley (visually enhanced)
Frequently Asked Questions about LDS Temples and Temple Work
To further your study please go to the
Temple Links Page.
I suggest the websites of Nick Literski and Richard Satterfield.
I attribute much of this site to the constant updating of their excellent websites.
Thanks guys.
I would also like to thank the National Geographic for providing these maps
at their
Xpeditions website.
Of course, Anyone is welcome to visit the official site of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
for any information on the true church.
This site was created by Ryan Passey of Washington D.C.
To go to my personal page, click here:
Ryan's Site
Also, if you have any comments, or corrections,
please email me at:
Please sign my guest book
and tell me what you think of this site.
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
Thanks, and have a great day.
Kirtland Temple
This page was created on Aug. 5, 1999
This is not an official site of the LDS Church

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