Created by eStream Productions

Robert E. Boyd - "B-Nice"
Robert "Harry O" Harris - "O-Mighty"
Desmond Davis - "Destiny / RB I"
Kennard J. Lewis - "Unique"
Derrol M. Rhodes - " Deroc Crusher / RB II"
Sean Griffith - "Death Wish"

Spring '84 "Legacy"
Robert E. Boyd - "B-Nice"

Summer '84 "Heatwave"
Robert Harris - " O-mighy"

Spring '85 "Genisis"
Sean Griffin - "Death Wish"
Desmond Davis - "Destiny"
Derrol Rhodes - " Deroc Crusher"
Kennard J.Lewis - "Unique"

Fall '86 "Blues Brothers"
Jimmy Tisdale "True"
Dwayne James

Spring '86 "Soul Survivor"
Wayne Hanks Jr. - "Kato / RB III"

Spring '88 "
Eric Greer - "Ax"
Steve Norman  - "Smash"

Fall '89 "3 The Hardway"
Loyd Johnson - "Havoc"
Carl Malery - " Payback"
James Stanton - "Running Man"

Spring '90 "Renaissance"
Collin Cocks "Woodsman"
Hank Williams " Ruckus"
Clinton Rush Jr. "Ebonyman"

Spring '92 Tabromo Brothers
Roy Williams "X-Man"
Devon D. Penn "Blitz"
Allen Phillips - "Excellence"

Spring '96 "Armageddon"
Jerry Simmons - "Jester"
Grafton Nivens - "G-Force"
Khoran White - "Live Wire"
Darion Douglas - "2 Face"
Oneil Thompson- "Justice"

Psychotic Pi Tau was founded April 10, 1986 at New York Institute of Technology