History Lessons

- Name: Chris
- Location: Rochester, NY USA
- Birthdate: Aries 27
- Sex: Male
- Marital Status: Let's just say I have freedom...
- Hobbies: Amerks & Sabres Hockey (AHL/NHL); Dave Matthews Band; Summer Concerts; Local, NY State, and National Politics (Conservative); Bills & Browns Football; Movies; Shakespeare; Beer; Cooking; New York State Wine; Rhinos Soccer; Knighthawks Indoor Lacrosse; Yankees Baseball; THANK GOD IT'S FINALLY HOCKEY SEASON!!!!!
- Occupation: I am BeerMan; Student
- Quote: "[Drinking & Bawdry] 'Tis my vocation, Hal; 'tis no sin for a man to labor in his vocation." Falstaff, 1 Henry IV, Shakespeare
Links to other sites on the Web
The Hunger Site Home
Saranac Brewery
Heron Hill Winery
Bully Hill Winery
Dave Matthews Band
The Rochester Colonials RFC
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
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