My homepage


Name : Ma.Carmen P. Ouano Birthday : July 6,1982 Age : 16 p> Hello to the people who are reading this! Welcome to my homepage.I'd like to tell you that the facts here are true.If you'd like to know me better just read on!!!

Well, for starters, you can call me Menchu. I live in the philippines and I'm currently in highschool. I love to sing and dance I was in the cast of "Sound Of Music".I have aslo been doing concerts in most of the malls in Manila.I just moved here to Cebu a couple of months ago.Aside from singing well, I also dance well.

I go to Hard Rock Manila and won different dancing contests.I met No doubt because I won a contest there.Many talent scouts have always asked me to audition for different t.v. shows because of my talent.I'm the youngest of four children. I was born fourteen years after my brother.Can you believe that?

I also like a lot of sports like volleyball,basketball well, not so much,soccer,tennis and swimming.I enrolled in Jhon Robert Powers.It's a modeling school.We successfully finished our modeling in a hotel.Me and my fellow models performed a dance which caught a manager's eye.He asked us to audition for a dancing contest which we did not qualify. We felt so bad.

I was also in the search for the adfaces 1998.Which did not push thru.I love the color purple and blue.I like people who does not hesitate in meeting me.I'm basically a happy go lucky person who loves nature as in rain and mud.I like to go hiking and camping.

I sometimes like to be alone but sometimes i like to go out and have fune.I like just hanging out either by myself or with all my friends. I like Five,911 and Moffats.Another thing about me is i love Melanie.I also like the spice girls and a lot more:)..

I also like No Doubt and aqua.I love eating almost everything except for hot foods.I love rollerblading and ice skating.I used to take up gymnastics for 3 yrs. Now, I'm into ballet.I've been studying ballet for 8 yrs. now. Aside from all these, I also like angels, horses, carousels and unicorns, dolphins,whales and all kinds of animals... if ever u have any pics. of these please email them to me!!!!

Any comments/ suggestions, mail me at