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Alright alright, I'm gonna work on this whole "updating with regularity" thing. Look for my new "Friends" and "Links" pages.
Can't get enough of me?
Check out my
A Poem for Friends of Jess's World
Rock on with your red self!
     Thank you for visiting my page
          It has lots of me-type stuff in it
               Enjoy, post comments, make suggestions, because i like suggestions a
     lot. So yay for you and yay for me.
          Now let's all go and plant a tree!    
Take my random as all heck survey!
By the way, this site looks best if you view it in 800 x 600 pixels
The Dancing Bear, a Jess's World institution since 1999!
  What's Up? What's Up? What's Up? What's Up??? What's Up? What's Up? What's Up? What's Up???
Where do you want to go today??? Where do you want to go today??? Where do you want to go today???