Here are the five people that made a difference in my junior year that deserve recognition.  Thank you for everything you guys have done for me in making my junior year a memorable one.

5. Richard - Eternal drinking buddy who is the only
                     one I trust that will not rape me when                                            
                     I'm drunk.
4. Keefer - The only frat guy I know who is the
                   the exception than the rule.  Thanks for
                   letting me crash at your place.
3. (tied) Daniel and Adam- Daniel, you are one
                       funny guy.  Someday, I will be as funny as you
                    .  Adam- You have my unconditional
                       respect for two things I have always wanted... the
                       skills of being a stud and being intelligent as hell.
2. (tied)  Brittany and Irene - Brittany, I hope I spelled you name
                        right, you have been so supportive from the
                        moment I met you, thanks for chilling wth  a guy
                        like  me.  Irene, you have been there for
                       me,  through thick and thin... you made me laugh
                       when I  didn't want to and you made me smile when I
                         was sad.  Thank you for everything you
                        have  done... and yes, I will still kick your ass in tennis.                  
1. Me     - Hmm...what can I can say?  She's sweet, thoughtful,
                   wild, sexy as hell and she  burbed and farted
                    my heart into submission.  I will miss you more than
                    you can ever imagine.

Other people that I met this year that I would like to say thanks are:  Maya, what'sup roomate...  Malia J., , Dez, Megan, and Northwest navy Drill team, eventhough the practice at 5 in the morning sucked, I am proud to have been part of something more important than participitating in NWN... winning the competition..
Yes, I'm back!!
After one year in Los Angeles, I have decided to move back to UW. As much as I love the beaches, Old town Pasedina, UCLA; I think I belong back in Washington.  I think it was a good decision... because I would have never met  the new friends I have this year.
Hi there!
Melissa, Daniel, Ron, Irene, Brittany, Adam
at WWU during spring break
Our first roadtrip
Daniel, Dez, Brittany, Maya and even the cat, hangover  after a night of alcoholic consumption at Ron's
The Turner "Love" Joy
Military Ball
See, people in the military still knows how to party!
Bored?  Life's too short! Choose one, call me and we'll get everyone together.

See a play                                          Rent a movie                                  Go to a movie             Night Picnic and looking at the stars     Do a community service together      A nice dinner
Bowling                                             Roller Skating                                  Ice skating
Miniature Golf (Irene's Favorite)          Amusement Park                             Wild Waves
Concert                                             Billiards                                           Hiking
Camping                                            Visit State parks                               Shooting
Bike Riding                                         Roller Blading at Alki                        Horseback riding
Skiing                                                Snowboarding                                  Water skiing
Museums                                           The zoo                                           Factory Tours
Public Gardens                                   Have a Pizza party!                           Ball game
Canoeing at the WAC                          Go shopping                                     Volunteer
More Junior Year Pictures!
Senior Year
Sophomore Year