D.A. #3 Benson
All Scales are one to ten

Drinking Frequency

General Beer Tolerance

General Hard Alcohol Tolerance

Black Cat Malt Liquour Tolerance

Black Cat Malt Liquour Drinking Speed

12 oz. Beer Slamming Ability

Pitcher Slamming Ability (32 oz)

Hard Liquor Slamming Ability

Drinking During Conan Soundtrack

Stupid Drunkenness Level

Black Out Percentage--.04%

Highlights of 21st Birthday-- Woke up naked. Did 18 shots. 1st recorded blackout of a long career of drinking.

Personal Profile:

Benson (ie D.A. #3) was initiated almost right after the club was created. Some say both he and D.A. #4 would have been founding fathers if they had been in the right place at the right time. Benson has the highest bar attendence record of any of the D.A.'s and is know for his uncanny devotion to the conan song ( he once got out of bed with a girl to pay hommage). He is one of the extra large D.A.'s as far a s body mass is concerned and his overall tolerance is very good with the malted hops and with Pink Champange (one of his favorites). However the harder liquours hit him hard like the other large D.A. Benson doesn't randomly pass out with any noticable frequency and is the one D.A. that you can count on for Dusk til Dawn drinking.