<BGSOUND SRC="/da_2_conan/">
Michigan State's Original              Drunk Ass Club
The Drunk Ass Club History

The Drunk Ass Club, or D.A.'s, were born from a Michigan State winter break when two members of an unnamed fraternity commenced a 13 day drinking binge that involved some of the most impressive feats of drunkenness since the last AA trip to busch gardens.  These two men would get drunk at night and then fall asleep only to wake up to a new bottle or case that had to be emptied so they could return the bottles for food.  After a few days of this kind of behavior, Rick (the older of the two) decied that a drinking club should be born out of this madness because they were two people truly deticated to the ever growing hobby of drinking.  Rick therefore named the club the Drunk Ass Club and pronounced himself D.A. #1 and Dave (the co-founder) was pronounced D.A. #2.  Then rick took two pilsner glasses stolen from an unnamed bowling alley and painted our new letters on the heel of each glass.  Dave, soon to be the ceremonial leader of the D.A.'s decieded that the club needed some sort of ritual that would make them distinct from any other group of friends that like to drink.  At the time Dave was really into the movie conan the barbarian and its music.  It was and still is his favorite movie.  Dave thought and thought and finally came up with a brilliant idea.  Any time the first track of the conan soundtrack was played the D.A.'s would have to finish whatever they were drinking at the time.  This was truly a drinking club.  Soon other traditions sprang from the club that included outsiders.  One such tradition was a certain 40 of malt liquour called BLACK CAT, the offical drink of the D.A.'s.  This was the strongest most vile thing to spring forth from the lansing getto.  Around this drink a game was applied.  The 40 game.  It is a card game that is won be the person who draws the worst cards and therefore has to finish his 40 first.  These are a few of the traditions of this club.  Soon you will read about many more.
Rick and Dave-- the Original Two DA's
New Member Initiation

Each Semester a new member is chosen out of the fraternity and pronouced a Drunk Ass.  He is given a number and a pilsner and i forced to pay homage to Conan.  The actual details of this proceedure are dark and secretive but you can bet it involves much drinking.  As of now there are 6 D.A.'s but one (rick) has graduated.  Click below to get a little history and a breakdown of drinking talents of each D.A.
D.A. #1
D.A. #2
D.A. #3
D.A. #4
D.A. #5
D.A. #6
The Original Three Pilsners
D.A. Facts and Pictures
D.A. #7
Click Here to see Lucky, Dusty, and Ned