Crofnugget's Crib |
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This page is all about this dog. His name is Blacky. This is a picture of him lying in his favorite rock pile. He loves to lie there and just sharpen his teeth on the rocks. Then, when his teeth are nice and sharp he whittles toys for underpriveleged children. |
A lot of you out there say that all he is really doing is taking larger wooden toys and chewing them up so that they resemble smaller and bumpier versions. You know what I say to that? What are you doing to help underpriveleged children? |
This is the dog who taught Blacky how to whittle. His name was Sawbone. Sawbone recently passed away, but the toys he made live on. This is Sawbone making a whistle from a stick. |
One of Blacky's favorite things to make are antique cars. His favorite cars are Cadillacs. Here is his latest work, a 1934 Fleetwood (pictured to the right). If you have questions for Blacky email him. |