Computers For Beginners

You have bought a new PC or plan to buy a one and you want to learn about them. Then here is something useful for you that can help you in learning computers.

In computers there are many fields(Software Development, Graphics, Hardware etc.) you can adopt for learning. More of the people go for Software Development but other fields are equally good. You can adopt any field but there are some basics which everyone has to learn. It also may not be necessary to be in any of the fields. You might have any job other than computers and you may learn to use it as it is useful in any area. Whether you are a accountant, doctor, engineer etc. you can adopt computers for better and more efficient working. For accountants, there is software in the market which may be useful in managing your accounts, for doctors, the record of patients, for engineers CAD (Computer Aided Design) which may help you in design and show the working of any product or project. It will never be bad idea to learn computers as sooner or later you will use computers.

For learning computers you may have a tutor or go to any of the institute. This may be costly and it might be difficult on your schedule . So a better option is to learn from books or download tutorials from the net. This will be better option because from books or tutorials you can read it any time you like, this will be a lot cheaper and you can use them as reference later on as you might forget some term or any other thing. Here are some books recommended for those learning computers

PCs for Dummies by Dan Gookin - This is an excellent book which teaches you from ground up and interesting to read.
First Course in Computers - It is a good book teaches how to use computers if you know almost nothing about computers.