About Me
Well, as you probably already know, I'm a third year student at York University majoring in Biology.
I have a sister named Rita, and a brand new brother-in-law Mike (a.k.a. Godzilla)...
Click here to download a Power Point Presentation made by yours truly with the wedding photos !!!
***Right click on the 'here' button... select 'save target as'.... select a destination... after downloading, press OPEN... press F5....
If you play it directly in this window, it's much smaller, and the music stops !!! ????!!!!
My Interests
I play and teach piano, and am currently preparing for my teacher's ARCT Exam at the Royal Conservatory of Music.
I like to surf the net, and chat on
ICQ . My ICQ # is 2006914.
I'm also a part time manager at
McDonald's . Yep, that's
right, home of the Big Mac and those irresistable fries.
So next time you go through a drive thru, have a look who's handing
you the bag... it could be me !