The Project Reports Page

The following are documents and presentations were made by me at AICAR during my Post Graduation Management Course: (All data is applicable to laws, situations and constraints as of on or before Oct-Nov 2003)
 LOGIN below to access the confidential records by access information provided by me. Scroll down to view other presentations and documentations.
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On the left is the gateway to my Confidential Project reports and other important information page. You are requested to proceed further only if you have a valid Username and Password provided by me. . If you cannot LOGIN with an authorized username and password please contact me at or 
 The Golden Quadrilateral (The Ambitious Highway Devt. Program of the Govt. of India)
Documentation (MS Word) ---
 The Infrastructure Sector In India 
Documentation (MS Word) ---
 NCAER, CMIE and the Census of India
--- Presentation (MS PowerPoint)
 Regional Trade Blocs: Status and Significance
Documentation (MS Word) Presentation (MS PowerPoint)
Mergers & Acquisitions - Guidelines & Cases (India)
Documentation (MS Word) Presentation (MS PowerPoint)
The State of Andhra Pradesh
Documentation (MS Word) ---
The Learning Paradox
--- ---
Jomy Joseph 1999 - 2004


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