Hello, you've browsed yourself into an area in Cyberspace, that I like calling Philsweb OR WWW.JOMY.CJB.NET


Philsweb Central 2006


Welcome to my PERSONAL Page. This is intended to be a One - Stop Portal to contact me. I am sorry to be not able to improve it any further as of now, because I'm both out of time, and out of touch.

Catch me on Email, Cell, YahooIM or Orkut

MAIL ME: jphilipj@gmail.com OR jomy@jomy.cjb.net


That's me in the photograph above. The Phil or Philip in Philsweb is part of my name JOMY Philip Joseph. Before you attribute First names and Surnames, let me clarify that Joseph is not my surname because I do not have one. JOMY is my name, Philip is the name given on baptism and Joseph is my fathers name. The closest to a surname would be the traditional name of the Family i.e. Alummootil but that is too unwieldy to append to an already elongated name.

I was born am am brought up in the Western Indian Metropolis of Mumbai (Bombay) in the Indian Province of Maharashtra. After initial schooling from St. Xavier's High School, Vile Parle (Mumbai), I opted for the Science stream in Junior (Intermediate) College with a Vocational Specialization at Dr. Antonio D'Silva Jr. College at Prabhadevi (Mumbai) which was immensely useful in completing The Bachelor of Engineering (B. E.) thereafter at M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering (University of Mumbai) near Mumbai Central. A keen interest in integrating Management with my Technical background led me to take up a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (MBA) from AICAR Business School near Mumbai. Please scroll down for details. I also had an opportunity to work with companies like Siemens, Sansui & L&T Cement in different capacities over the last couple of years.


As for Lifestyle and Beliefs, I believe in the Goal and the Quality of its achievement and not in a pretentious route of reaching it. I am highly Research Oriented and believe in a comprehensive analysis.

The Arts & The Social Sciences have always captivated me and I have attempted to pursue it as an Avocation. Driving & Music, to me are the most relaxing things and I simply love my car, 'Bolt' & my PC, 'Alex'. I love reading & traveling and am always ready to try a new idea as I do not believe in being restricted by the 'mores' or limitations proscribed by a culture. I attempt to be truly secular and imbibe and understand the vagaries of a different People.


Given in the block below is my  Résumé that can be downloaded 24x7. It is conveniently put up in  MS WORD Format (*.doc), Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF) & as a Zipped Archive (*.zip) File.  

The Resume  (.DOC)

This is PHILSWEB CENTRAL & use the Links to valuable Resources given at the bottom of this page.

LANGUAGES for pages on learning a few, PROJECT REPORTS are some of the ones completed in my MBA, DOWNLOADS are links to valuable Glossary & Management Utilities & EXCLUSIVE ACCESS is obviously restricted.


To understand the name & its ancestry, an Initiation on Syrian Christianity in India is warranted.  I'll be 25 on June 9th of 2006, am born into the Indian Orthodox - a Syrian Christian Community, am Non Religious by Practice, am about 5'8'', and possess quintessentially Dravidian or South Indian ethnic features, speak Malayalam as my mother tongue and thus am effectively linked to the Indian province of Kerala from where my lineage descends.

For a detailed insight into my Socio - Cultural heredity, please visit an associate Website created by me: www.philsweb-socio.cjb.net for details on the Malayalee - Syrian Connection, the State of Kerala, its ecclesiastical sects & MORE.

This site has JavaScript's adhering to W3C DOM's norms i.e. IE 4.0 or NN 4.0 or higher. That's tantamount to saying  to all those pristine browsers out there to upgrade immediately. This Site has been largely made with MS FrontPage'2002 and Macromedia Dream Weaver 3.0....but as a rule nothing beats the basics of HTML. I learnt my concepts at Davesite.com.  

I work with Siemens Ltd. since the last one year in Bangalore, India in the Automation & Drives Division.

AICAR (Asian Institute of Communications & Research) BUSINESS SCHOOL

My Permanent Address: I no longer belong to Bombay and now belong to Chengannur, Alleppey, Kerala, India.
My Current Address: No. 16, Campbell Road, Above Campbell Pharma, Opp. St. Philomena's Hospital, Bangalore - 560047

This page will be best viewed in MS Internet Explorer in the 720 * 400 Screen Resolution. 

Most of the scripts on this page are Home-made and many others are imported from permitted sites. Any unauthorized material noted would be because of of my obliviousness.

Contact me  on my Hand Phone at 0091-9880933441


| Languages | Project Reports|Downloads|Exclusive Access|

Last (partially) updated on 06/02/2006   JOMY Philip Joseph   Jomy Philip Joseph 1999

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