Other Characters
Kirana Palemoon - Jacien Palemoon's twin sister, Cerrick and Alera's daughter (from Turning Point MUD). Pandion of Taernyl. She was engaged to another character for awhile, another pandion of Taernyl - called Dracolus Helicles. (I later persuaded his player to come join us on Cities of M'dhoria - I take credit, haha, for his getting to M'dhoria, playing, and eventually imm'ing as Parcival, the God of Chivalry.) Kirana broke it off when she realized that she did not love Dracolus. Much later, she also was growing into a realization that she was lesbian - which would have been interesting to RP, heh - but then I got bored with the character and deleted her. Had a rather interesting RP session with the female character Kirana was in love with, Katherine - played by Cerrick's player - weird eh. :P
The second Kirana Palemoon on Turning Point - Jacien and Brianna's daughter - I WAS going to play her, as an avernon, or evil holy warrior - but Alexis's player stole her, pooh. I do remember being quite put out by that. She didn't even ask me.
Cytherea Et'Kalior on Turning Point - Priestess of Sarmgu, God of Power and Wealth. I enjoyed playing her greatly but got bored when she hit 40th level. She was a drow elf, abandoned by a House because of her hair - white (normal) but with a black streak right in front. She was taken in as a baby by an old cleric of Sarmgu and years later, strove to repay the debt by joining the church of Power. Simply put, she strove to get power by trying to act "behind the scenes" - although she didn't really succeed. She was also beautiful IC and loved to play havoc with people. She was bisexual - but I absolutely refused to RP any of the sex parts. (Why? You get nothing out of it). Anyway her sarcasm and wit got attention from KayZa Veldriss, a prominent llaiadain in the Dominion of the Iron Claw, and he recommended her to be in the Dominion. My only Dominion character, hee! Kalthrak, in his second reign, inducted her. And then off they go and start a love affair *whistle* while she's pregnant by another Dominion officer named Brocsta. (Actually she was pimping for Kalthrak first, getting him nubile young novices to deflower, before he subtly suggested she get into it).
Hee! In retrospect I wish I had stayed with her. She was hella fun. It's also living proof that mudsex isn't necessary to have a sexual character - which Cytherea undoubtedly was. She was really my last best character before I quit The Turning Point MUD.
Savitsa - A human necromancer, black hair, black eyes - the prototype of Alexis, if you will (although I did not play Alexis). She was one of those witchy types, and I did enjoy being able to have zombie mobs. I never did get very far with her. I tried forever to get accepted by Tyorl (Darkness) but I eventually gave up and got Jezebel (Pain)'s mark instead. To this day I am still quite put out because I consider myself a decent RP and never got Tyorl's mark! (Boo! since all my MUD friends succeeded!) Jezebel actually did not favor Savitsa much after the marking because she didn't cause as much pain as she should have - Savitsa preferred leading men on and enjoyed the "pain" they went through because of it. (In retrospect, this was lame. I really should have made her into the torturing, sado-masochistic type instead). Savitsa is also the only character that I initiated a PK with all by myself. Of course she got her butt handed to her, being 10th level :P
Jas Grenslev Romar on Turning Point - Katta ranger, devoted but not accepted of Taernyl. I played her because I was asked to, hee. And she was really fun for a while, but I got bored of her around 35th level or so. She was Latriele (Crusader) and Tyrel (Resistance) Romar's child, one of three in a litter and the only one that was ever played extensively. (Latriele's alt was Daportia, who was the Goddess of Hearth and Family for a time). Anyway Jas was your typical nature-loving ranger, protecting the forests etc., etc.
Glimmerlight Twinkles - Hee! My first "release valve" character. She was marked by Jezebel (Love) and a sprite enchantress. I think I got frustrated with her eventually because it was taking FOREVER at the time to get into the Magi. Kardell, the leader, was practically never around to do anything with her. Anyway, she got married to a pixie, Chay, and they had a cute time, giggling and whatnot, around the courtyard. Of course as an enchantress you're extremely popular, what with enchanting swords and what not. I had two of my funniest RP experiences ever with her: once when Cerrick Palemoon (the grave, ultra-serious Crusader leader at the time) was trying to explain the mechanics of sex to Glimmerlight (who didn't understand at all) and once when Kenafin (another grave, serious drow Crusader - one of only a few who broke stereotypes) got a sword enchanted and he gave my sprite enchantress a back massage! (ROFL!) Oh and another time when Glimmerlight and Chay were pestering Wyndamyr, asking him whiningly whether he could come to his wedding to Allura. Answer? NO! (Some high elf enchantress the character was with before Delshara... Sometime I'll go through and explain exactly why I have problems with her player).
Adriselle Na'Eraveth - On Aarinfel, Adriselle was my alt. I was OOC leader of the Rynshael court and the imm's allowed us leaders to have one. She was an elf of a minor lineage called Na'Eraveth and came from the interior of Rynshael. Her rank was Courtier and her family was linked to a Patrician (quite high up) named Erianna K'Lenderael. The story was, her father was "sponsored" by the K'Lenderaels, so Adriselle was naturally beholden to her. Adriselle was eventually accepted to a select military corps, patrolling the capital city of Rynshael. She was also (right before Aarinfel folded) a tool of Erianna's, although a willing one. Her other job was to listen out for anything that would harm the K'Lenderaels' interests. And as Erianna's lineage was opposing Kaeira's at the time, this meant I was working against my own main character (ROFL). It would have been really interesting RP if the MUD hadn't closed. As far as she went, she was a rather humorless little soldier who had a passion for playing music, and she would often play in the Travellers' Rest.
The OTHER Kaeira Lindriel - I tried playing her with a radically different bent on Cities of M'dhoria - she was a storyteller who used magical illusions to help the telling. It just took too damn forever to emote everything, so I gave up. But damn wouldn't it have been nice to continue :)
Alisande Ce'Drona - a gray elf enchantress on M'dhoria - she was a meek little thing, washed-out blonde girl-type, but pretty powerful. At that time the enchanter class in the game had some powerful conjuring-type spells. I would mow down a certain area in no time even though my character was just a mage-type. She was the one to witness the attack on Queen Delshara, although of course the attack was never RPed.