Kaeira Lindriel of House Taendl'erl, Elite Lady and Court Magistrate of Rynshael 
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The Lindriel family was a junior branch of House Taendl'erl, or the House of the Silken Glove, part of one of the first 'troublesome' lineages ejected by the August Monarchy of Et'Thalior during its attempt at colonizing Rynshael as its fief. During this war-ridden time, the Lindriels were hard-pressed to earn a living equal to or superior to the lavish life they had known in the graceful halls of Skysunder. Never forgetting this legacy, the family Lindriel invested heavily in the making of rich and rare perfume. Armed with this considerable reputation, the Lindriel family is well-known and rich.
Over the years, the operations became highly prosperous, the Lindriel Perfumery well and rightly reknowned for the luxuriousness of its lines of scent. The Perfumery now operates in Roantown, close to the waterways that constitute its link to the rest of the Erenai Empire. Their reputation is based on such classics as Silver Rose, Midnight Moon Garden, Amethyst Dusk, and the singular men's cologne, Velvet Night. The bottle designs they pioneered involve shapely lines, velvet and silken coverings, encrusted jewels, and fine golden touches. The symbol of the Perfumery is embossed on everything they produce: a stalk of goldenrod crossed with a stalk of water-hyacinth.
The memory of past glories inspired the living Lindriels, Laethern and Tylisa, to raise their daughters Kaeira and Ilchene in the style they imagined their ancestors must have done. Unfortunately, Ilchene, the elder of the two, could not represent the family. Severely physically handicapped following a childhood illness that also took away her great good looks, Ilchene was kept at home. It remained up to the younger daughter, Kaeira, to uphold the family's name.

Kaeira, however, had never dreamed of such a life. A typical dilettante, caring much for fashions, sweets, and social doings, she preferred to be left to her own devices. Entertaining friends over tea and little cakes was more to her liking. But as always, the will of the family overcame her own, and she reluctantly put away those girlish pastimes, though she never stopped enjoying them. The typical education of a younger daughter grew concentrated: she learned, in addition to Drys, Ihradrys, horseback riding and good manners, the ways and recipes of the Perfumery. Finding within herself a strange aptitude for the properties of flowers and herbs, Kaeira grew expert over time in the trade and the science of the family art.

Ravishingly good looking like most of the women in the Lindriel family, Kaeira soon attracted the attention of handsome elvish men, particularly one Rylineon Arldynael. Also a younger son, Rylineon would have been suitable as a husband, save for one thing: He was rumored to worship Lorelei, the Unweaver, and goddess of Death. Such a character trait was fatal to the Lindriels, staunch worshippers of the Golden One, Ylandir, and the Green One, Kierae, both. As singlemindedly ambitious as the family was, it was not surprising that they spurned Rylineon's suit. Kaeira herself cared nothing for that: She and Rylineon exchanged passionate letters, even the odd kiss at rare, secret meetings. She genuinely believed that this was love, instead of the flight of fancy it truly was. But, for over a year, their secret affair flourished.
Then the inevitable happened: Kaeira's maid discovered letters in her mistress' room, their language couched in unmistakable, romantic terms. The family was furious. The resulting ruction was acrimonious, the lovers' letters destroyed, and the couple were forcibly parted. Rylineon was sent away before Kaeira was dispatched on a 'educational' tour of the major cities in the Empire. The surface goal was for her to finish her education by contacting distant relatives and business connections, but it was well known within the family what the true reasons were behind the trip. Angry inside, Kaeira had no choice but to go. Her trunks were packed, and a retinue sent with her and her coach to ensure that Rylineon did not attempt to contact her. There was no danger of that. A week after her departure, the young man was set upon by bandits on the road, his rich clothing ransacked, and his body dumped by the side of his death. It was rumored that the Lindriels had had him assassinated, but the stories quickly died down.

Just outside the northern gates of the city of Khigatin, Kaeira's carriage broke down, an axle having snapped in half while running over a ditch in the road. Repairs had to be made before the carriage could be allowed to travel further. Kaeira sought lodgings in the Travellers' Rest, awaiting the necessary reconstruction. To occupy herself, she toured the city. She grew interested in the teachers of magic that had set up shop there. And so, she made a decision, perhaps fueled by the bitterness she felt for being pushed away from her lover and her former life. She resolved to stay. She wrote off a defiant letter and sent the elaborate carriage and retinue home, taking up residence in the Parlor of Silken Whispers, and introductory lessons in both glamor and incantation.
The Lindriels experienced huge surprise. No daughter of the lineage had been this headstrong, but no daughter had been this promising, either. Strangely, they indulged her. Perhaps her determination would serve the family well, not in mere obedience, but perhaps in the future.. And the family soon grew to dream of higher honors than simply being another prominent mercantile family. While Kaeira pursued her lessons, browsed the markets of Cadelppa and Precipice, and lavished both perfume samples and friendship on those she met (and those she should not have found suitable to meet), the family hatched a plan... 

Last Modified: December 25, 2000