The purpose of this homepage is to focus on my humble online roleplaying efforts. Over the course of two years I have played primarily at three games. I've led three organizations, earned titles, judged other people's roleplay and experienced a lot of interesting situations. And yet during those years (3 or 4 years ago now, heh) I was still learning a lot about roleplay. However, I count them as my 'golden age'. You will find extensive backgrounds for all the characters I have played throughout these years.
Note: The character concepts on this page describe past IC (In Character) personalities and events as of 6-7 years ago. The purpose of these pages is to simply chronicle their histories. They do not reflect current, valid IC or OOC (Out of Character) information. This page has no official tie to the Turning Point MUD, Aarinfel MUD, or Cities of M'dhoria MUD.
About Online Roleplaying (MUDs)
Character Background: Delshara Dharlen, Lady Defender of the White Flame 3 pages
Character Background: Delshara Dharlen, Queen of Seria and High Priestess of Light
Character Background: Ianthe Skyfire, Lady Martial of the Sultanate
Character Background: Brianna Dharlen-Palemoon, Seeker of Lyrical Inspiration
Character Background: Kaeira Lindriel, Elite Lady and Court Magistrate of Rynshael 2 pages