




Mahanama College [Established 1957]
Colombo 03 Sri Lanka




Disce Aut Discede

Royal College [Established 1835]
Colombo 07 Sri Lanka

The Oath Taken by The Young Men of Athens
"We will never bring disgrace to our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks. We will fight for the ideals and the sacred things of the city, both alone and with many. We will revere and obey the city's laws and do our best to incite a like respect and reverence in those about us who are prone to annul them and set them at nought. We will strive unceasingly to quicken the public sense of civic duty; and thus in all these ways we will strive to transmit this city not only not less but greater, better and more beautiful then it was transmitted to us"

A glance @ the Past
Royal College came into being in January 1835 as a private school christened "The Hill Street Academy" and was situated at Hill Street Wolfendhal. It is almost impossible to believe that this school which today accommodates in exces of 5000 students and over 200 members on the staff, had in its infancy stage, just 20 students and one master Rev. Joseph Marsh.

As a result of the Government's dedication to devote more time to the educational advancement of the colony the Hill Street Academy was abolished. The foundation stone was laid for a new educational institution. The "Colombo Academy" came into existence with Rev. Marsh as it first Principal. Colombo Academy was first situated at Messenger Street and later shifted to St. Sebastian Road in the heart of Colombo. The foundation stone originally laid by Governor, Sir Wilmot Hortan in 1833 for Colombo Academy has adorned the wall at the entrance to Royal College since 1922.

In 1859, The Colombo Academy was affiliated to the Culcuta University. The affiliated institutions were "Queens College and Colombo Academy"

Owing to cramped buildings and playground it was decided to shift Royal College to new premises at Thurstan Road Colombo. Government sanctioned the construction of the new building in 1906.

On May 31st 1911 His excellency Sir Henry Macallum laid the foundation stone to the New Royal College situated to the south of the Colombo University. When the school was transferred to the new buildings the number on roll at that time was 152.

Plans for a new Royal College were drawn up in 1918 and were approved by the Government. The building when completed was to serve as a model building for a fully organized secondary school. The fruitful result is the present Royal College at Reid Avenue.

In 1931 August the official title of the Institution was changed to Royal College.

(Extracted from Group of 96 souvenir)


the Manchester Metropolitan University UK [MMU]
Informatics Institute of Computer Studies [IICS]
[Established 1991]
57 Ramakrishna Rd Colombo 06 Sri Lanka

Graduation: BSc [Hons] in Information Systems - 1st December 2001


RMIT University [Established 1887]
Melbourne Australia

Master of Engineering - December 2003