If only you were so lucky...

Congratulations Gretchen!!

"Darren Robinson" "Alex Greenwald"


"Sam Farrar" "PROTEIN Jason Schwartzman"

The question: Which one of these was the alleged perpetrator and what was the crime?

Gretchen's winning entry:

Phantom Planet Guitarist Robinson Arrested on Counterfeiting Charge By Gretchen Scott

The popular trading cards from the 1980's known by the name of "Garbage Pail Kids" took a serious turn for the worse on Thursday night, when Darren Robinson, 20, of Los Angeles, was arrested for counterfeiting the cards.  Robinson, who is a member of the LA based rock group Phantom Planet, had allegedly been running a covert counterfeiting ring for the past 15 years.  The cards had been sold to some unassuming children in Robinson's neighborhood for up to $50 each for the rarest cards. Robinson's fate has yet to be decided, yet the police estimate that he owes his customers over $8,000 in damages.  The rise of Internet trading sites and sales prospects only aided Robinson in his operation.  His website that offered sales has now mysteriously disappeared, most likely the work of one of his henchmen.         

Garbage Pail Kids reached their height of popularity in the 1980s but their collector value on the open market is rising as they age.  At the time of their production, schools banned the cards because of the gruesome depictions of children.  They have since stopped production as controversy increased.  It had been thought that the Garbage Pail Kids had been virtually forgotten, yet the discovery of this counterfeit ring makes police worry that the controversial cards have resurfaced.  Robinson's court hearing begins on the 28th.  The future of Phantom Planet is as yet undecided.

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