Updated: January 16, 2003 |
2003 |
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T., De Robertis A., Brodeur R.D. (2003) Mass mortality of krill caused by parasitoid ciliates. Science. 301, 18 July, 2003, 339 (Brevia). (23.5 Impact factor) |
Gómez G.J., (2003) Hatching mechanisms and accelerate hatching of a sac-spawning euphausiid Nematoscelis difficilis. J. Plankt. Res. 25(11): 1397-1411 Abstract (Impact factor 1.300) |
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T., Miller C.B. (submitted) Cross-shelf life-stage segregation and community structure of the euphausiids off central Oregon (1970-1972) . |
Gómez G.J., (submitted by invitation) Parasitoides del krill en la Corriente de California. Investigacion y Ciencia (Spanish version of Scientific American, Barcelona Spain) (Outreach journal) |
2002 |
Peterson WT, Gómez G.J., Morgan C. 2002. Cross-shelf variation in calanoid copepod production during summer 1996 along Oregon coast, USA. Mar. Biol. 141:353-365 abstract (Impact factor 1.335) |
Gómez G.J., (2002) Hatching mechanisms and delayed hatching of the eggs of three broadcast-spawning euphausiid species under laboratory conditions. J. Plankt. Res. 24(12):165-1276. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300) |
2001 |
Gómez G.J., Palomares-García R., Hernandez-Trujillo S. Carballido-Carranza M.A. 2001. Community structure of the zooplankton throught the main entrance of Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Rev. Biol. Trop. 49(2): 545-558. Abstract and complete manuscript, click on volume 49(2) and look at the microbiology and coastal ecology section (unknown impact factor) |
2000 |
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J., Felix-Uraga R, Arenas-Fuentes V. 2000. Seasonal hydroacoustical observations of small pelagic fish behaviour in Magdalena Bay, Mexico. Aquatic Living Resources. 13(1):11-18. Abstract (unknown impact factor) |
Gómez G.J., Dominguez-Hernandez E., Robinson C.J. 2000. Hydroacoustical evidence of autumn inshore residence of the pelagic crab Pleuroncodes planipes at Punta Eugenia, Baja California, Mexico. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 208: 283-291. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923) |
1999 |
Gómez G.J., González-Chávez G., Robinson C.J., Arenas F.V. 1999. Latitudinal changes of euphausiid assemblages related to dynamics of the scattering layer along Baja California, October 1994. Scientia Marina. 63(1): 79-91. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187) |
Gómez G.J., Palomares-García R., De Silva-Dávila R., Carballido-Carranza M.A., Martínez-López A. 1999. Copepod daily egg production and growth rates in Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. J. Plankt. Res. 21(12):2227-2244. Abstract. Full document (Impact factor 1.300) |
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T. 1999. Egg production rates of eight calanoid copepod species during the summer 1997 at Newport Oregon, USA. J. Plankt. Res. 21(4): 637-657. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300) |
1998 |
Gómez G.J., Shields J. 1998. Range extension for Oculophryxus bicaulis Shields & Gómez (Isopoda, Dajidae) in the South China Sea. Crustaceana. 71(2): 167-170. Abstract (Impact factor 0.259) |
Lavaniegos E.B., Gómez G.J., Lara-Lara R., Hernández-Vázquez S. 1998. Long-term changes of zooplankton volumes in the California Current System.- The Baja California region. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 169: 55-64. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923) |
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J. 1998. Daily vertical migration of dense scattering layers related to shelf-break area in the northwest coast of Baja California, México. J. Plankt. Res. 20(9): 1679-1697. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300) |
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J. 1998. The red-crab bloom of the west coast of Baja California, México. J. Plankt. Res. 20(10): 2009-2016. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300) |
1997 |
Gómez G.J., Robinson M.C. 1997. Circadian biomass and abundance changes of five euphausiids along the west coast of Baja California Mexico, December 1993. Scientia Marina 61: 27-35. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187) |
Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C. 1997. Larval drift and population structure of the pelagic phase of Pleuroncodes planipes (Simpson) (Crustacea: Galatheidae) off the southwest coast of Baja California, México. Bull. mar. Sci. 61(2): 305-326. Abstract (Impact factor 0.512) |
1996 |
Shields D.J., Gómez G.J. 1996. Oculophryxus bicaulis a new genus and species of Dajid isopod parasitic on the euphausiid Stylocheiron affine. Hansen. International Journal of Parasitology. 26(3): 261-268. Abstract (unknown Impact factor) |
Gómez G.J. 1996. Ecology of early larval development of Nyctiphanes simplex Hansen (Euphausiacea) off the southwest coast of Baja California, México. Bull. mar. Sci. 58(1): 131-146. Abstract (Impact factor 0.512) |
Palomares G.R., Gómez G.J. 1996. Copepod community structure at Bahia Magdalena, Mexico during El Niño 1983-1984. Estuar. coast. and Shelf. Sci. 43: 583-595. (Impact factor 1.011) |
Gómez G.J., De Silva-Dávila R, Lavaniegos E.B. 1996. Growth production of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes simplex at the coastal shelf off Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, México. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 138: 309-314. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923) |
1995 |
Gómez G.J. 1995. Distribution patterns, abundance and population dynamics of the euphausiids Nyctiphanes simplex and Euphausia eximia in the west coast of Baja California, México. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 119: 63-76. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923) |
Gómez G.J., Palomares-García R., Gendron D. 1995. Community structure of the euphausiids populations along the west coast of Baja California, México during the weak ENSO 1986-87. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 120: 41-51. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923) |
Gómez G.J., Hernández-Trujillo S., Esqueda E.G.M. 1995. Community structure of the euphausiids and copepods in distribution areas of pelagic fish larvae off west coast off Baja California, México. In: International Symposium on middle-sized pelagic fish. (eds). C. Bas, J. J. Castro, J. M. Lorenzo. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Scientia Marina. 59(3-4): 381-390. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187) |
Robinson C.M., Gómez G.J., Arenas F.V. 1995. Diel vertical and offshore-inshore movements of anchovies off central Baja California coast. J. Fish. Biol. 47: 877-892. Abstract (Impact factor 0.918) |
1994 |
Gómez G.J., Hernández-Trujillo S. 1994. Euphausiacea and Copepoda of the oceanic front off Cabo San Lucas B.C.S., México in August of 1988. Rev. Biol. Trop. 42(1/2): 155-164. Abstract (unknown impact factor) |
Publications in Mexican Journals |
Palomares-Garcia R, De Silva-Davila R, Martinez-Lopez A, Carballido-Carranza A, Gómez GJ. 2000. Crecimiento somatico y produccion de huevos de copepodos en Bahia Magdalena. p. 29-30. En: Estudios sobre el plancton en Mexico y el Caribe. Rios-Jara R, Juarez-Carrillo E., Perez-Pena M, Lopez-Uriarte E., Robles-Jarero EG, Hernandez-Becerril DU y Silva-Briano M. (eds.). Sociedad Mexicana de Planctologia y Universidad de Guadalajara, 147 p. |
Gómez G.J., 1998. En busca de los escurridizos y poco frecuentes isopodos (Epicaridae: Dajidae), parasitos de crustaceos eufausiaceos y decapodos. Planctologia Mexicana. Boletin informativo de la Sociedad Mexicana de Planctologia A.C. 9:27-31 |
Gómez G.J., Robinson C.M., Arenas-Fuentes V. 1998. La hidroacústica, una moderna herramienta para el estudio de la biología y ecología del ecosistema pelágico marino. Ciencia. Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia 49(2): 11-22. |
Robinson C.M., Gómez G.J., Arenas F.V. 1997. On the structure of a deep scattering layer on the coastal shelf off Bahia Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas 23(1): 141-154. Abstract (Impact factor 0.167) |
Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C. 1995. Centros de eclosión y deriva larval y postlarval de la langostilla, Pleuroncodes planipes (Crustácea: Galatheidae), en la costa occidental de Baja California Sur. In: La langostilla, biología, ecología y aprovechamiento. Aurioles D. y Eduardo F. Balart (eds.). Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas de Noroeste S.C. pp. 35-57. Abstract (Spanish) |
Hernández R.M., Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C., Saldierna M.R., Vera R.A. 1993. Atlas de temperatura superficial en el complejo lagunar de Bahía Magdalena-Bahía Almejas, Baja California Sur, México. 1980-1989. Secretaria de Marina. Centro Nacional de Datos Oceanográficos de la Secretaría de Marina. Sección Físico-Químico. Vol. II, pp. 87 |
Sánchez O.C., Gómez G.J. 1992. Distribución y abundancia de los estadios planctónicos de la jaiba Callinectes bellicosus (Decapoda: Portunidae) en el complejo lagunar de Bahía Magdalena, B.C.S., México. Rev. Inv. Cient. UABCS. 3(1): 47-60. Abstract |
Outreach publications "Publicaciones de divulgacion" (in Spanish) |
The impact factor calculation is a formula to calculate the average citation rate of a journal's articles in the preceding 2 years. |