Globec Mesoscale II cruise
July 27 to August 12, 2000
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Harold Batchelder pictures from the cruise Mesoscale-II
OSU R/V Wecoma on duties
during the Mesoscale-II cruise
Some of the Biologist staff of the Mesoscale-II cruise on board of the R/V New Horizon
(Scripps) that worked along the northern California and Oregon coast. In the picture
we are (left to right)
Se-Jong, Karen Haberman, Jaime Gomez, Andrew King, William
Peterson (chief's cruise), Rob Campbell, Anders Roestad, Leah Feinberg, Jay
Peterson, and Julie Keister.
During the oceanographic survey we did these activities

* CTD cast & sampling with Niskin bottles
* Clorophyll filtrations
* Nutrients

* Zooplakton samples:
             Vertical tows small net
             10-40 m depth horizontal tows with large
             net to get alive euphausiids and copepods

* MOCNESS (Nine levels)
* Live experiments with the euphausiids
Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera:

              * Molting rates experiments
              * Growth rates
              * Egg production rates

The team getting the chlorophyll and the
nutrient samples from the rossette.
Julie taking a "confortable" nap after
a hard station around 4:00 am
Our research project for the next year....watching the euphausiids using our yellow submarine.
Everybody working with the beloved MOCNESS.
Questions? contact to
Jaime Gomez-Gutierrez
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