Jaime Gomez Gutierrez
E-mail: jgomezgu@hotmail.com E-mail: jagomezg@ipn.mx
New address since Februuary 15, 2004
Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR) Departamento de Plancton y Ecologia Marina Av. IPN s/n Col. Palo de Santa Rita, CP 23096 A.P. 592, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico Phone: (52) 612-123-4666 fax: (52) 612-122-5322
Update: January 16, 2004 |
Education: |
B.A. Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (1985-1989)
M.Sc. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (1990-1992)
Ph.D. College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University |
Virtual visit to my work space at Newport and Corvallis |
A brief background |
Dr. Peterson's zooplankton research group |
Publications |
Mexican euphausiologists |
PhD thesis proposal |
Curriculum vitae Spanish |
Webpages of euphausiids around the world |
Research at Oregon upwelling area |
My Advisors : Dr. Charles B. Miller & Dr. William T. Peterson |
List of euphausiids from Oregon upwelling system |
Ecology of early larval stages of the euphausiids in the Oregon upwelling system
Euphausiid eggs Development of the euphausiid eggs (Ponomareva, 1966) Diagram of the female's maturity stages (based on Ross et al. 1982) Photos of euphausiids around the world Summer 2001 research activities. Mamie Markham Research Award 2001 |
Peterson W & Keister J. Changes in zooplankton abundance and species composition in the Oregon coastal zone |
Pacific coast salmon (coho and chinook landing time series) |
Pictures of the Sea Safety and Survival course (June 5, 2001) | Photos of past courses |
Oceanographic cruises |
Zooplankton pump aboard the RV Elakha and the interesting research of Dr Tim Cowles about small-scale planktonic structure |
Coastal Ocean Advances in Shelf Transport (COAST) |
Pictures and activities done during the Mesoscale-II cruise R/V New Horizon (July-August, 2000) | Hal Batchelder's photos from Mesoscale-II |
LTOP cruise, September 2001 |
Pictures of Conferences and meeting |
Euphasiologists that attended the 50th CalCOFI meeting aniversary (October 1999, La Jolla, California, USA) |
Some researchers that attended the 10th PICES meeting aniversary Victoria, Canada (First page | Second page) |
Research at Mexico along the west coast of Baja California (SIMSUP) |
Summary of the SIMSUP program (ICMyL-UNAM) (Dec 26, 00) |
Nyctiphanes simplex secondary production |
Link to Caribbean Acoustic Network (CAN) or Red Acustica del Caribe (RAC) (Jan 6, 01) |
List of articles of euphausiids in Mexican waters |
Swarm of Nyctiphanes simplex. Click in the picture to link to the N. simplex webpage. |
Taxonomic list of euphausiids from Mexico |
Parasites of planktonic crustaceans: Dajidae and more |
Non- identified parasite associated to Euphausia pacifica: Part I and Part II (Jan 23, 01) |
Picture courtesy E. Brinton, M. Ohman, W.W. Townsend, M.D.Knight, and A.L Bridgeman. The euphausiids of the worlds oceans. Springer CD. |
This euphausiid (Nematoscelis difficilis) has attached a female of the isopod of the family Dajidae Notophryxus lateralis |
The invasion of the red crab Pleuroncodes planipes Stimpson (1860) |
Life cycle of the red crab Pleuroncodes planipes |
Book of the red crab Pleuroncodes planipes La langostilla: Biologia, ecologia y aprovechamiento. Aurioles-Gamboa D.& Balart EF (ed). (1995) |
Copy rigth Phillip Colla. All right reserved world wide |
Copepod egg production in Bahia Magdalena Baja California Sur, Mexico |
Link to Coupling of an individual-based population dynamic model of Calanus firmachicus to a circulation model for the Georges Bank region (Miller et al. 1998). |
Link to Coupled 2D slice - Popcline Model Simulation in the Oregon coast (Batchelder et al, 2001) |
Scripps copepod collection contact to: Annie Townsend and Dr. Mark Ohman Scripps Institution Oceanography Planktonic Invertebrate Collection |
This specimens is a mature female of Paracananus parvus with an egg. Copy right Jaime Gomez. All right reserved world wide |