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Adam Ryan Wischmeier
I was born in Seymour Indiana on September 13, 1980.  I went to St. John's Lutheran School, better known as Sauers.  I graduated from Seymour High School in 1999.  I am Butler University alumni (2005).  I am 25 years old.  I am a good listener.   I am currently single.  Coldplay is my favorite music group.

Stephanie's Page

Union Hardware

Schwarz Pharma

Trib Town

IU Hospital/Clarian

National HOBY

Indiana HOBY

My hobbies and interests include surfing the net, reading car magazines and books, watching sports, watching TV (Alias, Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy, Lost, Boston Legal, CSI Miami, The OC, Smallville, MTV, and VH1), and listening to music (everything but country).  I also like collecting Coca-Cola Memorabilia and Keychains. I work at IU Hospital and Walgreens.
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Pictures of Me
I have many friends (too many to fit all of them here).  My closest friends are: Stephanie Horn, Emi Krapf, Paige Rightler Davis, Heidi (Stam) Laurence, Jason Eder, Chris Curts, and Kirstie Hackman..  If you feel left out, email me and I will add you to my page.

My parents are Dwight and Robin.  I have a younger sister (Amber) and a younger brother (Alex).  I have a cousin that I consider to be one of the best friends I have: Stephanie Lynch.  Her home page is linked on the right.

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