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Michael & Casey Kissel
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We hope to be able to keep you updated on our whereabouts and adventures during the next few years of medical school. 
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UPDATES:  This site will no longer be updated.  I will however leave it as a source of information and photos of Saba and the experience of living there.

SABA is a small  island in the Caribbean 28 miles SE of St. Maartin.  The entire island is only 5 sq. miles with a maximum elevation of close to 3,000 feet.  The medical school requires 2 years of Basic Sciences on SABA and 2 years of clinical rotations back in the States.
Photos of SABA
SABA University
SABA Tourist Office
I have finished the course work for the Hyperbaric Medicine Program.  I am currently working on my Master's Thesis.  My thesis studied the effects of altitude in causing decompression sickness in divers on Saba.
SABA Information
House Photos
To our family and friends:

Please email us frequently and tell us what you are up to.  We always like getting email!

By the way, our home is on the other side of the large, flat-topped hill on the far left of the photo above. 

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SABA University Saba University SABA saba foreign med kissel caribbean medical school