This site is not easy to just "stumble upon, so I'm assuming you already know who I am. If not, here is the quick version.

I am an Air Force lieutenant stationed at Offutt, Nebraska. My position is electronic warfare officer on an RC-135. I work with technical equipment on a reconnaissance plane. Once the system is powered up.... (deleted due to extreme boringness) ....and since most people ask, no, I cannot fly the plane.

I am still relatively new to Nebraska. I live near Omaha, which is a pretty nice city. It's not real big, but it offers a good many things to do. At least by midwest standards. Now the rest of the state is just corn. Endless corn.... Oh yeah, and murderous children.

I grew up in Ephrata, Pennsylvania; a small town in the middle of Amish Country. From there I went to college at Mansfield University where I got a degree in Environmental Science. Mansfield was a little redneck compared to where I grew up, but after growing a mullet, I was able to fit in. Next was my Masters of Secondary Education from West Virginia University. As a big party school in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains, this was probably the most fun place I ever lived. But after all that schoolin', it was time to find a job and pay the bills.

Thus begins the dark chapter of my life. I became a high school teacher in Fayetteville, North Carolina. What a shit hole! I've never seen such a crime ridden city. I'll skip all the details, but the school I worked for helped me realize that there were other opportunities I should be pursuing. And that brings us to possibly the best decision I ever made, as you now know, I joined the Air Force.

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