The former owners of my house had a herd of cats. Judging from the stench of the house, house breaking was not a priority. I was hoping less drastic and cheaper measures would suffice, but it has become clear that the only way to banish the smell of cat piss is to recarpet the entire house. Thanks, worthless previous owners. Here I am painting the floors with a sealant so that any offending odor I couldn't neutralize will be locked in before the carpet was installed. Also, the end results.

I bet cat pee was not a topic you expected when you visited this site. Hooray!

On sadder news, the inevitability I was dreading finally arrived. My old car is dead! For six years I had a silver 92 Mitsubishi Galant. In happier times it was nicknamed the "Silver Bullet" (complements of my students in North Carolina). More recently it was often called POS (you work out the meaning). But on 21 August, it broke down one too many times. Farewell old friend. Hello Nissan!

Here is the "Silver Bullet" in 2001 after being vandalized by my students (actually just a little harmless fun). Next is the Nissan that replaced it.

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