Bettendorf Class of 1989
Photo Gallery

The fleeting moments from our all too brief time at Bettendorf High School. If you have any pictures you think should be included, send 'em my way. Most old photos are from BHS Beacons.
Shawn Reimers sent me two hundred incredible pictures from the reunion, and I've posted them. And if anyone wants to send me a photo to put up, let me know. There are some incredible shots from the Reunion, and you can order them from Shawn. Remember the numbers of the photos you want, then print this form out and send it to Shawn.

1999 Ten Year

Click on the left

BHS '89 Grad of the month 9/99-
Stacie Mitchell!

If you see Stacie, tell her congrats!
Look for a new grad each and every month. Just because.

[BHS '89 Main] [People Updates] [Reunion News] [BHS Pictures] [BHS89 Life]
All comments, inquiries, and submissions: e-mail me!

c o p y r i g h t  © 1 9 9 9   John S. Barker